50 minute Pre-Musikeys classes for 4.5+ year olds
(includes family sharing time of 10minutes)
- Tuesday 12:15pm
- Wednesday 12:15pm
- Friday 9:00am
Musikeys Pre classes are best for the four and a half year old and older. It is designed to prepare the young child for the Musikeys class in the first years at school. Your child will develop a stronger musical foundation by learning the concepts, language, notation, vocabulary of music and much more.
We will be referring to the glockenspiel and later, the keyboard at most classes with particular focus on finer motor development with hand & finger positioning. Hence, this is the program that the children are advised to complete before commencing the Musikeys class.
Parents, siblings and class members participate together in the last 10 minutes of class during Sharing Time.
- Musical games and improvisation
- Singing songs, rhymes and solfa/solfege
- Movement, dance and gesture
- Rhythm, beat and metre
- Percussion playing (tuned and untuned)
- Listening, reflecting and responding
- Story-telling and mime Piano/Keyboard playing
- Reading (iconic and traditional notation)
- Ensemble playing
Skills & Benefits
- Piano/Keyboard orientation, exploration and playing is now the focus. Students experience clusters, glissandi, and short melodic units over a range of registers.
- Heightened sense of creativity including piano/keyboard improvisation on the white and black keys.
- Coordination and fine motor skills are further refined to complement keyboard playing skills. This includes single hand, alternate hands and hands together playing.
- Ability to cooperate within a group, exhibit self-control, and listen attentively through ensemble playing at a more advanced level involving keyboard and percussion.
- Stronger foundation for language and literacy skills, such as phonological awareness, focused attention, effective communication, and vocabulary. Reading experiences now include the music staff, pitch, time signatures and additional rhythmic units.
- Enhanced self-awareness, refined listening skills.
- Increasing pitch accuracy, memory recall, and sequencing abilities.
- Strengthened brain connections used to integrate new learning, make decisions, and think critically.
*You can view all classes scheduled by going to the timetable.