The Terms and Conditions of Enrolment at Musikids
At what age should I start my child?
- Kathryn specialises in the young child: babies to 7 or 8 years.
- As soon as you are ready to attend a class from 3 months, you can be accommodated.
Which class is just right for us?
- Each class has an age recommendation. These are a guide for you and are designed this way to ensure that children are grouped in a developmentally appropriate program.
- Your child needs to be at least the minimum age for the chosen class by the start of a term and or semester.
- Please read the class information on the website to assist you or please speak with Kathryn.
If my child takes the class without me, do I stay nearby?
- If your child is enrolled in a Musikids 3 or Musikeys class, it is advised that you stay on or nearby the premises.
- You could use this time to rest!
- It is important that you are there for the last 10 – 15minutes of these classes for Sharing/Family Time. *Please note that Sharing/Family Time will occur depending on health orders at the time.
Can we join a class at anytime during the term?
- Except for Musikeys classes, yes you can! Subject to availability in the class. Fees will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
Enrolment Procedure
- Your enrolment will be accepted on the understanding that you will comply with whatever health orders are at the time.
- Once you have completed the Online Enrolment Form, you will be contacted via email & SMS (or phone) to confirm availability in your preferred class.
- An invoice will be emailed to you for deposit/s to be made within 7 days, or 48 hours for new families. If the deposit is not paid, your place is not guaranteed. ($100 deposit per enrolment is required to hold your place in a class. The balance is due before or at the first class.)
- Payment can be made directly into the Musikids account. Account details can be found at the bottom of the invoice. If you wish to pay in full, you may do so. There are no EFTPOS facilities at Musikids.
- In Musitods only families are able to enrol 2 children if there is no sitter available. See “Families in Class”. A $50 fee applies for the younger sibling to attend this class for the term.
Cancellation Before or on Enrolment
- Fees are non-refundable for classes missed, or if your child does not complete the entire term. Due to experiencing the ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions of 2020 & 2021, fees are non-refundable if we need to move from in-person classes at Musikids (Gateway Village) to online throughout the term.
- If, for any reason you choose not to enrol once the deposit has been paid, (and if you have not attended a class), $60 will be refunded and $40 forfeited as a cancellation fee.
- If you have attended class and have taken your materials we cannot refund the deposit. The materials are yours to keep.
Musikids Discounts
- 5% discount Sibling Discount on the term fee portions for the younger/youngest sibling.
Musikids Class Management Policy
- You will have limited access to the Musikids toilet. The public toilets are to be used before or after class. The Musikids toilet is not to be used at these times. Please only access the rest room if there is an ‘urgent’ need to do so during class.
- Allow an entire hour for your class i.e. 9am – 10am. You will receive more or rarely, less than a 45 minute music & movement class that may not start on the hour nor end at the 45 minute mark. It starts and ends within the hour depending on the needs of each class. Consider this when planning appointments outside of your class time.
- Arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your class time to allow the class prior to comfortably vacate, removing any stress on the waiting area.
- Enter the Musikids foyer with face and hands washed or sanitised. Follow all verbal & signed directions.
- Please do not bring toys and snacks to class as they can be a major distraction to class routine. Food and drinks are not to be brought onto the premises (with the exception of breastfeeding or a water bottle).
- Parents enrolled in the Musibubs or baby class are advised to bring a blanket for their lap babies.
- If your child is enrolled in a Musikeys class each child will be required to bring their bag, materials and any homework completed.
- As these classes are age appropriate, only the enrolled child and parent/caregiver are to attend (Musibubs & Musitods). All children enrolled in their specific classes depend on continuity for the class to feel safe & secure.
- If you would like another family member or friend to attend class, please call prior to your class to discuss. We encourage family participation; however, we need to maintain the best learning environment for our enrolled students, and sometimes-extra friends or family members in the class can be a distraction.
- If you happen to arrive late, do not rush to class. Arrive calm, enter the singing room quietly and commence participation.
- Dress comfortably & be prepared to take shoes off for class. Enter the singing room with clean feet or clean socks on feet.
- If you or your child is unwell, please do not attend class
How do I know when my child is too sick to come to class?
- Under no circumstances will any family member be allowed at Musikids if they are unwell. You will be asked to leave Musikids, respectfully and in the best interest of all class members.
- Ask yourself this important question: “if your child is healthy, would you want him/her playing with another child that has your child’s symptoms?” If the answer is no, please do not bring your child to class. You are more than welcome to attend another day for a makeup class. Please be considerate of other children when deciding whether or not your child is healthy enough to attend class.
If You Miss a Class
- Please notify via SMS/Email/Phone by 8:30am on the morning of your scheduled class that you will not be attending.
- Depending on availability UNLIMITED makeup classes per enrolment are offered to those who have notified Musikids by 8:30am of your absence via email, SMS or phone. Your notification of absence by this time allows your place to be opened for another family to makeup their missed class.
- If Musikids is not notified of your absence by 8:30am on the day of your scheduled class, a makeup class may not be permitted.
- You are encouraged to organise a makeup class at an appropriate time verbally or checking with Musikids via email, SMS or phone between by 8:30am on the morning of the day you wish to attend. If the makeup class is not attended by you without notification, the makeup lesson will be forfeited.
- Makeup classes are honoured while you are enrolled. After ceasing enrolment, your makeup classes are nil.
- If Musikeys students show symptoms of not being well, they may Zoom into class. The connectivity may not be perfect, but it is important to feel included by not missing class. More importantly, you are wanted back in class healthy. By staying home we get better faster and keep our classmates well too. If Kathryn is able to, she will consider having an independent lesson with you.
Teacher Cancellations
- If Musikids needs to cancel a class, a makeup lesson is scheduled. If this is not possible, then a full credit for that class is given for that missed class on the following term invoice.
Photographs & Video in class
- Very infrequently Kathryn takes photographs of the children in class to capture moments.
- At the end of the year, class photographs will be taken and a photograph of the class mailed to all children in that class in a Christmas mail-out, as a memento of their time at Musikids.
- Photographs or videos taken by class members are not allowed without prior permission from all participants in the class.
Can I purchase gift vouchers for friends & family?
- Yes. Vouchers are valid for the duration of 12 months from the date of purchase.