Families with Siblings 0 – 3yrs
Family classes are not offered on the timetable. If you do not have a sitter for your youngest of 2 children under the age of 3yrs the Musitods 1 or 2 class may be suggested as an option for families in a class. You may view when Musitods 1 & 2 classes are scheduled by going to the timetable.
At Musikids, you are able to enrol both children in Musitods 1 & 2 with the understanding that this is a class designed for the developing toddler. Although the focus will mainly be on your toddler, the bonding, absorption of Music experiences and joyous feeling your baby will have can be invaluable. As long as you (the parent) remains relaxed and enjoys your time in class, both of your children will benefit from the class also.
It is advised that for babies in this class (especially those not sitting up on their own) are positioned in a baby carry to the side of the room or in a sling/Baby Bjorn on the body of the parent.
Prams are not permitted in the classroom. If babies are crawling or just walking, it is best to have them beside you. If they move away, let them. When left alone, babies can engage themselves with what they are seeing and hearing in the class. This is usually enough stimulation for their bodies and brains. Let these small ones feel the energy of the class with limited stimulation. You will see the benefits of this almost immediately.
Once your eldest is developmentally ready for the next stage, Musikids (3yrs & 4 yrs) it will be expected that this arrangement may cease. This moment will take place after discussion between Musikids and the parent/s, determined on a per family basis.
It is asked that you respect these suggestions which through experience, have proven to be very rewarding for everyone.
A $50 fee per term applies for the younger sibling to attend the class with you and your toddler.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.