45-60 minute Music classes for the first 2-3 years at school (Two year course)
First Year classes
- Wednesday 4:00pm
- Thursday 4:30pm
Second Year classes
- Tuesday 3:30pm
- Thursday 3:30pm
In Musikeys, we use a stimulating and enjoyable Australian approach to learning the keyboard and music called Encore on Keys that is a complete method that combines keyboard playing with singing & movement. It is the perfect transition from the Kindermusik curriculum to future individual instrumental instruction.
The Onkie characters work with us through the first 3 (of 4) music books for the duration of the course. The course features a full range of musical skills including aural development, singing, and music reading, playing and creating.
Musikids supplies keyboards in class to play, however it is expected that all students enrolled will have their own 5-octave keyboard or piano at home to practice on. Each child has their own music book, homework diary and music flash cards that they bring to class each week. Weekly practice homework sheets are pasted in their diary each week for parents to monitor and record practice as well as room for weekly comments.
At Musikids this program has been proven to be very popular. Spaces are limited, and priority is given to those children who have completed the Musikeys Pre for 4.5yrs+ program.
The musical standard of graduating Musikeys students is very good. So much so, that a high percentage of these children further their music education after graduating from Musikids. This achieves one of the main aims of Musikids: to help prepare the child and the parent for individual music instruction.

Musikeys, the 1st Year
We sing songs with the Onkie characters, with & without the CD/App accompaniment. We learn how to play music in our right & left hands – and even at the same time! The children receive a practice diary with their activities outlined clearly. Every week, parents are required to write comments on what they hear & see as their child practices.
Term 1 & Term 2 will be musically productive as students move through Junior Series Book 1. In Term 3, students will be ready to move onto Book 2. At the end of the year, all students will be formally prepared for a concert, (in a stress free & enjoyable way).

Musikeys, the 2nd Year
In addition to the Encore on Keys material, our budding young maestros will learn an array of songs that are familiar in everyday life. These are songs that they can sing along to or playing whilst accompanying their family singing, hence achieving another of Musikids aims: Getting Music back into the family home.
At the end of the year, all students will be formally prepared for their final concert as Musikids graduates, (in a stress free & enjoyable way).
At Home Materials
- Music book
- Access to the Encore on Keys App (backing tracks)
- Flash cards
- Plastic wallet
Need help finding the right keyboard package for Musikeys?
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*You can view all classes scheduled by going to the timetable.